Linux short workshop

Section 1. Connecting to the server

You are assigned a server for this workshop. Find the server name on the workshop website. Instructions to connect can be found on this page.

Section 2. The basics

2.1 create a working directory. ($USER is a Linux variable that is the same as your user ID)


mkdir /workdir/$USER

cd /workdir/$USER


2.2 Navigate around the Linux file system. Pay attention to whether absolute or relative path is used in each command. Try to use "copy-paste" and "tab" key to simplify typing.

cd /workdir/$USER

mkdir mytmp

ls -la

ls -la /workdir/$USER/mytmp

cd mytmp


cd ..



2.3 Operations on files.

Copy files ("./" mean current directory. It is necessary here as the "cp" command requires two parameters: source path and destination path. )

cd /workdir/$USER

cp /shared_data/Linux_workshop/examples.tgz ./

Compress/de-compress your copy of the examples.tgz file. "*" is used as wildcard in Linux

ls -al

tar -xzvf examples.tgz

ls -al

gzip flygenome.fa

ls -al flygenome*

gunzip flygenome.fa.gz

ls -al flygenome*

Moving file locations and change file names with "mv"

mkdir sequences

mv flygenome.fa sequences

mv short_reads.fastq sequences

ls -al ./

ls -al ./sequences/


Section 3. Something extra

3.1 Examine file content.

cd sequences

head -n 12 short_reads.fastq

tail -n 12 short_reads.fastq

more short_reads.fastq

wc -l short_reads.fastq


3.2 Working with .gz files

gzip short_reads.fastq

ls -l short*

zcat short_reads.fastq.gz | wc -l

zcat short_reads.fastq.gz | head -n 10

zcat short_reads.fastq.gz | grep AATTCGT


3.3 use Screen


cd /workdir/$USER/sequences

zcat short_reads.fastq.gz | more 

Press "ctrl-a d" to detach from screen. Then run command "screen -r" to re-attach

More screen commands:

ctrl-a c: create a new session

ctrl-a n: switching between different screen session

ctrl-a d: detach from screen

ctrl-d: terminate a screen session


3.4 Use VNC (optional)

From a web browser, login to Open "My reservation" page, click "Connect VNC".

Open "VNC viewer", and the host name should be "" (replace 59xx with your VNC port number)

Click "Activities", click the "terminal" icon, and enter command "igv".