Senior Research Associate,
Center for Advanced Computing,
Cornell University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics and Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics,
Cornell University
c [dot] myers [at] cornell [dot] edu / 607.255.5894 (phone)
536 Rhodes Hall / 424 Physical Sciences Building
My research lies at the intersection of physics, biology, computer science, and computational science, focused on problems such as information processing in biological systems (manifested in processes such as gene regulation, signal transduction, and host-pathogen interactions), dynamics on complex networks (at various scales, from the chemical kinetics of intracellular networks to the spread of infectious diseases in populations), the design and development of software systems for modeling complex biological phenomena, and increasingly on evolutionary processes in such systems (such as the evolution of photosynthetic metabolism and the co-evolution of pathogens and host immune systems). In the past, I've worked on various problems in physics, geophysics, and materials science, such as critical phenomena and pattern formation in disordered systems, slip complexity on earthquake faults, plasticity and fracture in materials, and the design of software systems for modeling complex spatiotemporal phenomena at multiple scales of resolution.