The newest version of LOOPP can be used on our server at . The code below is NOT the newest
version. LOOPP is a fold recognition program based on the collection
of numerous signals, merging them into a single score, and generating atomic
coordinates based on an alignment into a homologue template structure. The
signals we are using include straightforward sequence alignment, sequence
profile, threading, secondary structure and exposed surface area prediction.
(Secondary structure and exposed surface prediction program
SABLE was developed in the
group of our collaborator Professor Jaroslaw Meller). These individual signals
are combined locally to create mixed models and globally to provide overall
scores. Computations of scores to those that can be done quickly are performed
for all proteins in our database and expensive scores (such as Z score
calculations) are computed only for those that score highly with the "cheap"
score. Atomic models are then generated using an alignment produced
by the scoring scheme and the
Modeller program of
Andrej Sali. The final atomic structure is evaluated by additional energy
scores. The energies used, and the combination of individual scores are
determined by a Mathematical Programming algorithm. LOOPP references: Octavian Teodorescu, Tamara Galor, Jaroslaw
Pillardy, and Ron Elber, "Enriching the sequence substitution matrix by
structural information", Proteins: Structure, Function and
54:41-48(2004) Jaroslaw Meller and Ron Elber, "Linear
Optimization and a double Statistical Filter for protein threading protocols",
Proteins, Structure, Function and Genetics, 45,241-261(2001) Dror Tobi and Ron Elber, "Distance dependent,
pair potential for protein folding: Results from linear optimization",
Proteins, Structure Function and Genetics, 41, 40-16 (2000). SABLE references: R. Adamczak, A. Porollo, J. Meller, Accurate
Prediction of Solvent Accessibility Using Neural Networks Based Regression,
Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, to appear (2004). A. Porollo, R. Adamczak, M. Wagner and J. Meller,
Maximum Feasibility Approach for Consensus
Classifiers: Applications to Protein Structure Prediction,
CIRAS 2003 (conference proceedings).
version rewritten by Tamara Galor with a new mixed model
for threading)
Information about potential functions and list of templates protein can be
found here.
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Learning, Observing and Outputting Protein Patterns (LOOPP)
(original version - loopp2000)
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