
Reference Based RNA-Seq Data Analysis  
March18 and 25 2013

We are pleased to announce a new next-generation sequencing workshop organized by the Computational Biology Service Unit (CBSU).

The workshop will focused on reference based RNA-Seq data analysis at introductory level. There will be two sessions in the workshop, a lecture session and a hands-on session.

It is advisable for the workhsop participants to attend our Linux for Biologists workshop if they are new to the Linux computing environment. You can register for this workshop online: part 1, part 2.

machine allocations


Workshop Outline  
Session 1 Mar 18 2013 3:30PM - 5:00PM 655 Rhodes
Lecture session-   The following topics will be covered:
1.    Tools for mapping reads to reference genome or transcriptome
2.    Summarizing and visualizing mapped reads
3.    Data normalization
4.    Analysis of differentially-expressed genes
Session 2 Mar 25 2013 3:30PM - 5:00PM 655 Rhodes
Hands-on session-   An integrated tutorials for RNA-seq data analysis using free, open-source software tools, including TopHat, IGV, Cufflinks, CummeRbund, and EdgeR, will be provided.

Speaker: Hsiao-Pei Yang (CBSU).

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