BioHPC Cloud Software
There are 1218 software titles installed in BioHPC Cloud. The sofware is available on all machines (unless stated otherwise in notes), complete list of programs is below, please click on a title to see details and instructions. Tabular list of software is available here
Please read details and instructions before running any program, it may contain important information on how to properly use the software in BioHPC Cloud.
3D Slicer, 3d-dna, 454 gsAssembler or gsMapper, a5, ABRicate, ABruijn, ABySS, AdapterRemoval, adephylo, Admixtools, Admixture, AF_unmasked, AFProfile, AGAT, agrep, albacore, Alder, AliTV-Perl interface, AlleleSeq, ALLMAPS, ALLPATHS-LG, Alphafold, Alphafold3, alphapickle, Alphapulldown, AlphScore, AMOS, AMPHORA,, AMRFinder, analysis, ANGSD, AnnotaPipeline, Annovar, ant, antiSMASH, anvio, apollo, arcs, ARGweaver, aria2, ariba, Arlequin, ART, ASEQ, aspera, assembly-stats, ASTRAL, atac-seq-pipeline, ataqv, athena_meta, ATLAS, Atlas-Link, ATLAS_GapFill, atom, ATSAS, Augustus, AWS command line interface, AWS v2 Command Line Interface, axe, axel, BA3, BactSNP, bakta, bamsnap, bamsurgeon, bamtools, bamUtil, barcode_splitter, BarNone, Basset, BayeScan, Bayescenv, bayesR, baypass, bazel, BBMap/BBTools, BCFtools, BCL convert, bcl2fastq, BCP, bdbag, Beagle, beagle-lib, BEAST, BEAST X, Beast2, bed2diffs, bedops, BEDtools, bettercallsal, bfc, bgc, bgen, bicycle, BiG-SCAPE, bigQF, bigtools, bigWig, bioawk, biobakery, biobambam, Bioconductor, biom-format, BioPerl, BioPython, Birdsuite, biscuit, Bismark, Blackbird, blasr, BLAST, BLAST_to_BED, blast2go, BLAT, BlobToolKit, BLUPF90, BMGE, bmtagger, bonito, Boost, Bowtie, Bowtie2, BPGA, Bracken, BRAKER, BRAT-NextGen, BRBseqTools, BreedingSchemeLanguage, breseq, brocc, BSBolt, bsmap, BSseeker2, btyper3, BUSCO, BUSCO Phylogenomics, BWA, bwa-mem2, bwa-meth, bwtool, cactus, CAFE, CAFE5, caffe, cagee, canu, Canvas, CAP3, caper, CarveMe, catch, cBar, CBSU RNAseq, CCMetagen, CCTpack, cd-hit, cdbfasta, cdo, CEGMA, CellRanger, cellranger-arc, cellranger-atac, cellranger-dna, centrifuge, centroFlye, CFM-ID, CFSAN SNP pipeline, CheckM, CheckM2, chimera, ChimeraTE, chimerax, chip-seq-pipeline, chromosomer, Circlator, Circos, Circuitscape, CITE-seq-Count, ClermonTyping, clues, CLUMPP, clust, Clustal Omega, CLUSTALW, Cluster, cmake, CMSeq, CNVnator, coinfinder, colabfold, CombFold, Comparative-Annotation-Toolkit, compat, CONCOCT, Conda, Conform-gt, Cooler, copyNumberDiff, cortex_var, CoverM, crabs, CRISPRCasFinder, CRISPResso, crispron, Cromwell, CrossMap, CRT, cuda, Cufflinks, curatedMetagenomicDataTerminal, cutadapt, cuteSV, Cytoscape, dadi, dadi-1.6.3_modif, dadi-cli, danpos, DAS_Tool, dashing, DBSCAN-SWA, dDocent, DeconSeq, Deepbinner, deeplasmid, DeepTE, deepTools, Deepvariant, defusion, delly, DESMAN, destruct, DETONATE, dfast, diamond, dipcall, diploSHIC, discoal, Discovar, Discovar de novo, distruct, DiTASiC, DIYABC, dnmtools, Docker, dorado, DRAM, dREG, dREG.HD, drep, Drop-seq, dropEst, dropSeqPipe, dsk, dssat, Dsuite, dTOX, duphold, DWGSIM, dynare, ea-utils, earlgrey, ecCodes, ecopcr, ecoPrimers, ectyper, EDGE, edirect, EDTA, eems, EgaCryptor, EGAD, eggnog-mapper, EIGENSOFT, elai, ElMaven, emacs, EMBLmyGFF3, EMBOSS, EMIRGE, Empress, enfuse, EnTAP, entropy, epa-ng, ephem, epic2, ermineJ, ete3, EukDetect, EukRep, EVE, EVM, exabayes, exonerate, ExpansionHunterDenovo-v0.8.0, eXpress, FALCON, FALCON_unzip, Fast-GBS, fasta, FastAAI, FastANI, fastcluster, fastGEAR, FastME, FastML, fastp, FastQ Screen, fastq-multx-1.4.3, fastq_demux, fastq_pair, fastq_species_detector, FastQC, fastqsplitter, fastsimcoal2, fastspar, fastStructure, FastTree, FASTX, fcs, feems, feh, FFmpeg, fgbio, ficle, figaro, Fiji, Filtlong, fineRADstructure, fineSTRUCTURE, FIt-SNE, FlaGs2, flash, flash2, flexbar, Flexible Adapter Remover, Flye, FMAP, FragGeneScan, FragGeneScan, FRANz, freebayes, FSA, funannotate, FunGene Pipeline, FunOMIC, G-PhoCS, GADMA, GAEMR, Galaxy, Galaxy in Docker, GATK, gatk4,, gblastn, Gblocks, GBRS, gcc, GCTA, GDAL, gdc-client, GEM library, GEMMA, GeMoMa, GENECONV, geneid, GeneMark, GeneRax, Genespace, genomad, Genome STRiP, Genome Workbench, GenomeMapper, Genomescope, GenomeThreader, genometools, GenomicConsensus, genozip, gensim, GEOS, germline, gerp++, GET_PHYLOMARKERS, gfaviz, GffCompare, gffread, giggle, git, glactools, GlimmerHMM, GLIMPSE, GLnexus, Globus connect personal, GMAP/GSNAP, gmx_MMPBSA, GNU Compilers, GNU parallel, go-perl, GO2MSIG, GONE, GoShifter, gradle, graftM, grammy, GraPhlAn, graphtyper, graphviz, greenhill, GRiD, gridss, Grinder, grocsvs, GROMACS, GroopM, GSEA, gsort, GTDB-Tk, GTFtools, Gubbins, gunc, GUPPY, gvcftools, hail, hal, HapCompass, HAPCUT, HAPCUT2, hapflk, HaploMerger, Haplomerger2, haplostrips, HaploSync, HapSeq2, harpy, HarvestTools, haslr, hdf5, helixer, hget, hh-suite, HiC-Pro, hic_qc, HiCExplorer, HiFiAdapterFilt, hifiasm, hificnv, HISAT2, HMMER, Homer, HOTSPOT, HTSeq, htslib,, hugin, humann, HUMAnN2, hybpiper, hyde, HyLiTE, Hyper-Gen, hyperopt, HyPhy, hyphy-analyses, iAssembler, IBDLD, IBDNe, IBDseq, idba, IDBA-UD, idemux, IDP-denovo, idr, idseq, IgBLAST, IGoR, IGV, IMa2, IMa2p, IMAGE, ImageJ, ImageMagick, Immcantation, impute2, impute5, IMSA-A, INDELseek, infernal, Infomap, inspector, inStrain, inStrain_lite, InStruct, Intel MKL, InteMAP, InterProScan, ipyrad, IQ-TREE, iRep, isoseq, JaBbA, jags, Jane, java, jbrowse, JCVI, jellyfish, jsalignon/cactus, juicer, julia, jupyter, jupyterlab, kaiju, kallisto, Kent Utilities, keras, khmer, kinfin, king, kma, KMC, KmerFinder, KmerGenie, kneaddata, kraken, KrakenTools, KronaTools, kSNP, kWIP, LACHESIS, lammps, LAPACK, lapels, LAST, lastz, lcMLkin, LDAK, LDBlockShow, LDhat, LeafCutter, leeHom, lep-anchor, Lep-MAP3, LEVIATHAN, lftp, Liftoff, lifton, Lighter, LinkedSV, LINKS, localcolabfold, LocARNA, LocusZoom, lofreq, longranger, Loupe, LS-GKM, LTR_retriever, LUCY, LUCY2, LUMPY, lyve-SET, m6anet, Macaulay2, MACE, MACS, MaCS simulator, MACS2, macs3, maffilter, MAFFT, mafTools, MAGeCK, MAGeCK-VISPR, Magic-BLAST, magick, MAGScoT, MAKER, manta, mapDamage, mapquik, MAQ, MARS, MASH, mashtree, Mashtree, MaSuRCA, MATLAB, Matlab_runtime, Mauve, MaxBin, MaxQuant, McClintock, mccortex, mcl, MCscan, MCScanX, mdust, medaka, medusa, medusa2, megahit, MeGAMerge, MEGAN, MELT, MEME Suite, MERLIN, merqury, MetaBAT, MetaBinner, MetaboAnalystR, MetaCache, MetaCRAST, metaCRISPR, metamaps, MetAMOS, MetaPathways, MetaPhlAn, metapop, metaron, MetaVelvet, MetaVelvet-SL, metaWRAP, methpipe, mfeprimer, MGmapper, MicrobeAnnotator, microtrait, MIDAS, MiFish, Migrate-n, mikado, MinCED, minigraph, Minimac3, Minimac4, minimap2, miniprot, mira, miRDeep2, mirge3, miRquant, MISO, MITE-Hunter, MITObim, MitoFinder, mitohelper, MitoHiFi, mity, MiXCR, MixMapper, MKTest, mlift, mlst, MMAP, MMSEQ, MMseqs2, MMTK, MobileElementFinder, modeltest, MODIStsp-2.0.5, module, moments, momi, MoMI-G, mongo, mono, monocle3, mosdepth, mothur, MrBayes, mrcanavar, mrsFAST, msdial, msld, MSMC, msprime, MSR-CA Genome Assembler, msstats, MSTMap, mugsy, MultiQC, multiz-tba, MUMandCo, MUMmer, mummer2circos, muscle, MUSIC, Mutation-Simulator, muTect, myte, MZmine, nag-compiler, namfinder, nanocompore, nanofilt, NanoPlot, Nanopolish, nanovar, ncbi_datasets, ncftp, ncl, NECAT, Nemo, Netbeans, NEURON, new_fugue, Nextflow, NextGenMap, NextPolish2, nf-core/rnaseq, ngmlr, NGS_data_processing, NGSadmix, ngsDist, ngsF, ngsLD, NGSNGS, ngsplot, NgsRelate, ngsTools, NGSUtils, NINJA, NLR-Annotator, NLR-Parser, NLRtracker, Novoalign, NovoalignCS, nQuire, NRSA, NuDup, numactl, nvidia-docker, nvtop, Oases, OBITools, Octave, OMA, Oneflux, OpenBLAS, openmpi, openslide, openssl, ORFeus, orthodb-clades, OrthoFinder, orthologr, Orthomcl, pacbio, PacBioTestData, PAGIT, pairtools, pal2nal, paleomix, PAML, panacus, panaroo, pandas, pandaseq, pandoc, pangene, PanPhlAn, Panseq, pantools, Parsnp, PASA, PASTEC, PAUP*, pauvre, pb-assembly, pbalign, pbbam, pbh5tools, PBJelly, pblat, pbmm2, PBSuite, pbsv, pbtk, PCAngsd, pcre, pcre2, PeakRanger, PeakSplitter, PEAR, PEER, PennCNV, peppro, PERL, PfamScan, pgap, PGDSpider, ph5tools, Phage_Finder, pharokka, phasedibd, PHAST, phenopath, Phobius, PHRAPL, PHYLIP, PhyloCSF, phyloFlash, phylonet, phylophlan*, PhyloPhlAn2, phylophlan3, phyluce, PhyML, phyx, Picard, PICRUSt2, pigz, Pilon, Pindel, piPipes, PIQ, piranha, pixy, PlasFlow, platanus, Platypus, plink, plink2, Plotly, plotsr, plumed, pocp, Point Cloud Library, popbam, PopCOGenT, PopLDdecay, Porechop, poretools, portcullis, POUTINE, pplacer, PRANK, preseq, pretext-suite, primalscheme, primer3, PrimerBLAST, PrimerPooler, prinseq, prodigal, progenomics, progressiveCactus, PROJ, prokka, Proseq2, ProtExcluder, protolite, PSASS, psmc, psutil, pullseq, purge_dups, pyani, PyCogent, pycoQC, pyfaidx, pyGenomeTracks, PyMC, pymol-open-source, pyopencl, pypy, pyRAD, pyrho, Pyro4, pyseer, PySnpTools, python, PyTorch, PyVCF, qapa, qcat, QIIME, QIIME2, QTCAT, Quake, Qualimap, QuantiSNP2, QUAST, quickmerge, QUMA, QuPath, R, RACA, racon, rad_haplotyper, RADIS, RadSex, RagTag, rapt, RAPTR-SV, RATT, raven, RAxML, raxml-ng, Ray, rck, rclone, Rcorrector, RDP Classifier, REAGO, REAPR, Rebaler, reCOGnizer, Red, ReferenceSeeker, regenie, regtools, Relate, RelocaTE2, Repbase, RepeatMasker, RepeatModeler, RERconverge, ReSeq, resistify, RevBayes, RFdiffusion, RFMix, RGAAT, rgdal, RGI, Rgtsvm, Ribotaper, ripgrep, rJava, rMATS, RNAMMER, rnaQUAST, Rnightlights, roadies, Roary, Rockhopper, rohan, RoseTTAFold-All-Atom, RoseTTAFold2NA, rphast, Rqtl, Rqtl2, RSAT, RSEM, RSeQC, RStudio, rtfbs_db, ruby, run_dbcan, sabre, SaguaroGW, salmon, SALSA, Sambamba, samblaster, sample, SampleTracker, samplot, samtabix, Samtools, Satsuma, Satsuma2, SCALE, scanorama, SCE-VCF, scikit-learn, Scoary, scoary-2, scTE, scythe, seaborn, SEACR, SecretomeP, segul, self-assembling-manifold, selscan, seqfu, seqkit, SeqPrep, seqtk, SequelTools, sequenceTubeMap, Seurat, sf, sgrep, sgrep sorted_grep, SHAPEIT, SHAPEIT4, SHAPEIT5, shasta, Shiny, shoelaces, shore, SHOREmap, shortBRED, SHRiMP, sickle, sift4g, SignalP, SimPhy, simuPOP, sina, SINGER, singularity, sinto, sirius, sistr_cmd, skani, SKESA, skewer, SLiM, SLURM, smap, smash, smcpp, smoove, SMRT Analysis, SMRT LINK, snakemake, snap, SnapATAC, snapatac2, SNAPP, SnapTools, snATAC, SNeP, Sniffles, snippy, snp-sites, snpArcher, SnpEff, SNPgenie, SNPhylo, SNPsplit, SNVPhyl, SOAP2, SOAPdenovo, SOAPdenovo-Trans, SOAPdenovo2, SoloTE, SomaticSniper, songbird, sorted_grep, spaceranger, SPAdes, SPALN, SparCC, sparsehash, SPARTA, speedseq, split-fasta, SQANTI3, sqlite, SqueezeMeta, SQuIRE, SRA Toolkit, srst2, ssantichaivekin/empress, stacks, Stacks 2, stairway-plot, stampy, STAR, staramr, Starcode, statmodels, stellarscope, STITCH, STPGA, StrainPhlAn, strawberry, Strelka, stringMLST, StringTie, STRUCTURE, Structure_threader, Struo2, stylegan2-ada-pytorch, subread, sumatra, supernova, suppa, SURPI, surpyvor, SURVIVOR, sutta, SV-plaudit, SVaBA, SVclone, SVDetect, svengine, SVseq2, svtools, svtyper, svviz2, SWAMP, sweed, SweepFinder, SweepFinder2, sweepsims,, sword, syri, tabix, tagdust, Taiji, tama, Tandem Repeats Finder (TRF), tardis, TargetP, TASSEL 3, TASSEL 4, TASSEL 5, tax_myPHAGE, tbl2asn, tcoffee, TE-Aid, telescope, TELR, TensorFlow, TEToolkit, TEtranscripts, texlive, TFEA, tfTarget, thermonucleotideBLAST, ThermoRawFileParser, TMHMM, tmux, Tomahawk, TopHat, Torch, traitRate, Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP), TransComb, TransDecoder, TRANSIT, transrate, TRAP, tree, treeCl, treemix, treePL, Trim Galore!, trimal, trimmomatic, Trinity, Trinotate, TrioCNV2, tRNAscan-SE, Trycycler, UBCG2, UCSC Kent utilities, ullar, ultra, ultraplex, UMAP, UMI-tools, umi-transfer, UMIScripts, Unicycler, UniRep, unitig-caller, unrar, usearch, VALET, valor, vamb, variabel, Variant Effect Predictor, VarScan, VCF-kit, vcf2diploid, VCF2PCACluster, vcf2phylip, vcfCooker, vcflib, vcftools, vdjtools, Velvet, vep, verkko, VESPA, vg, Vicuna, ViennaRNA, VIP, viral-ngs, virmap, VirSorter, VirusDetect, VirusFinder 2, visidata, vispr, VizBin, vmatch, vscode, vsearch, vt, WASP, webin-cli, wget, wgs-assembler (Celera), WGSassign, What_the_Phage, wiggletools, windowmasker, wine, Winnowmap, Wise2 (Genewise), wombat, Xander_assembler, xpclr, yaha, yahs, yap
Details for MetaPathways (If the copy-pasted commands do not work, use this tool to remove unwanted characters)
Name: | MetaPathways |
Version: | 2.5.1 |
OS: | Linux |
About: | MetaPathways v2.5 is a meta'omic analysis pipeline for the annotation and analysis for environmental sequence information. |
Added: | 9/21/2016 3:40:39 PM |
Updated: | |
Link: | |
Notes: | MetaPathways has to be run in graphical environemnt. i.e., you either need to be connected throu VNC, or your ssh clinet has to have X11 ports forwarded and an X-windows manager has to be running on the machine you are connectiing from (e.g., your laptop). Please refer to a description of graphical access options in our User Guide: remote access instructions.
Before running MetaPathways you need to set up program environment by running
Create the directory pgdbs (needed by pathway-tools) in /workdir and make it wolrd-writeable:
mkdir /workdir/pgdbs
chmod a+rwx /workdir/pgdbs
Prepare the BLAST/LAST database directory in /workdir:
rsync -av /programs/MetaPathways/MetaPathways_DBs /workdir
In /workdir, create a directory for the run, for example (replace myID with your own userID):
mkdir -p /workdir/myID/my_run
Copy run configuration file to this new directory:
cd /workdir/myID/my_run
cp /programs/MetaPathways/metapathways2-2.5.1/config/*.txt .
If needed, edit the file template_param.txt and set your preferred databases and run parameters (the file template_config.txt does not have to be edited if the database and pgdbs directories have been created as described above).
Place your input fasta files in /workdir/myID/my_run.
Create the output directory for the run, e.g.:
mkdir -p /workdir/myID/my_run/out
Launch the program's GUI interface by typing
/programs/MetaPathways/bin/MetaPathways2 &
which will make a window pop up. NOTE: The GUI interface, although it needs to stay open, does not work correctly and will not be used to initiate the actual analysis. While the GUI can still be used to view the results, the actual run has to be launched in command-line mode, similar to the following (see manual for details):
source /programs/MetaPathways/metapathways2-2.5.1/MetaPathwaysrc
python /programs/MetaPathways/metapathways2-2.5.1/ -i /workdir/myID/my_run/ -o /workdir/myID/my_run/out/ -c ./template_config.txt -p ./template_param.txt -v -r overlay -s my_input >& run.log
The first of the commands above sets the environment for the run, while the second command launches Metapathways. In the example above, it is assumed that the input file names start with my_input, .i.e.., my_input.fasta. For convenience, the two commands can be placed in a shell script (say,, which can then be easily modified for other runs. The screen output from the second command will be saved on disk in the file run.log.
NOTE: In the final stages of the run, pathway-tools program (called from withn Metapathways) will attempt to temporarily display and then close a few graphical windows, which is the reason why the program needs to be run in graphical environment even though the GUI interface is not being used.
After the run completes, the results, created in directory structure under /workdir/myID/my_run/out, can be visualized using the Methapathways GUI (which was launched in the beginning and is already running in the background).
NOTE on databases: you can add more databases to /workdir/MetaPathways_DBs. Just deposit the fasta file in the proper subdirectory (functional or taxonomic), add the name of the fasta file to the proper database line in template_params.txt. During the run the new database will (or at least should) be formatted and searched. It can also be formatted manually before MetaPathways run, although the details of the formatting command are not yet given in Metapathways description.
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