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BioHPC Cloud:
: User Guide



BioHPC Cloud Software

There are 1155 software titles installed in BioHPC Cloud. The sofware is available on all machines (unless stated otherwise in notes), complete list of programs is below, please click on a title to see details and instructions. Tabular list of software is available here

Please read details and instructions before running any program, it may contain important information on how to properly use the software in BioHPC Cloud.

3D Slicer, 3d-dna, 454 gsAssembler or gsMapper, a5, ABRicate, ABruijn, ABySS, AdapterRemoval, adephylo, Admixtools, Admixture, AF_unmasked, AFProfile, AGAT, agrep, albacore, Alder, AliTV-Perl interface, AlleleSeq, ALLMAPS, ALLPATHS-LG, Alphafold, alphapickle, Alphapulldown, AlphScore, AMOS, AMPHORA,, AMRFinder, analysis, ANGSD, AnnotaPipeline, Annovar, ant, antiSMASH, anvio, apollo, arcs, ARGweaver, aria2, ariba, Arlequin, ART, ASEQ, aspera, assembly-stats, ASTRAL, atac-seq-pipeline, ataqv, athena_meta, ATLAS, Atlas-Link, ATLAS_GapFill, atom, ATSAS, Augustus, AWS command line interface, AWS v2 Command Line Interface, axe, axel, BA3, BactSNP, bakta, bamsnap, bamsurgeon, bamtools, bamUtil, barcode_splitter, BarNone, Basset, BayeScan, Bayescenv, bayesR, baypass, bazel, BBMap/BBTools, BCFtools, BCL convert, bcl2fastq, BCP, Beagle, Beast2, bedops, BEDtools, bettercallsal, bfc, bgc, bgen, bicycle, BiG-SCAPE, bigQF, bigtools, bigWig, bioawk, biobakery, biobambam, Bioconductor, biom-format, BioPerl, BioPython, Birdsuite, Bismark, Blackbird, blasr, BLAST, BLAST_to_BED, blast2go, BLAT, BlobToolKit, BLUPF90, BMGE, bmtagger, bonito, Boost, Bowtie, Bowtie2, BPGA, Bracken, BRAKER, BRAT-NextGen, BRBseqTools, BreedingSchemeLanguage, breseq, brocc, bsmap, BSseeker2, btyper3, BUSCO, BUSCO Phylogenomics, BWA, bwa-mem2, bwa-meth, bwtool, cactus, CAFE, caffe, cagee, canu, Canvas, CAP3, caper, CarveMe, catch, cBar, CBSU RNAseq, CCMetagen, CCTpack, cd-hit, cdbfasta, cdo, CEGMA, CellRanger, cellranger-arc, cellranger-atac, cellranger-dna, centrifuge, centroFlye, CFM-ID, CFSAN SNP pipeline, CheckM, CheckM2, chimera, ChimeraTE, chimerax, chip-seq-pipeline, chromosomer, Circlator, Circos, Circuitscape, CITE-seq-Count, ClermonTyping, clues, CLUMPP, clust, Clustal Omega, CLUSTALW, Cluster, cmake, CMSeq, CNVnator, coinfinder, colabfold, CombFold, Comparative-Annotation-Toolkit, compat, CONCOCT, Conda, Cooler, copyNumberDiff, cortex_var, CoverM, crabs, CRISPRCasFinder, CRISPResso, crispron, Cromwell, CrossMap, CRT, cuda, Cufflinks, curatedMetagenomicDataTerminal, cutadapt, cuteSV, dadi, dadi-1.6.3_modif, dadi-cli, danpos, DAS_Tool, dashing, DBSCAN-SWA, dDocent, DeconSeq, Deepbinner, deeplasmid, DeepTE, deepTools, Deepvariant, defusion, delly, DESMAN, destruct, DETONATE, dfast, diamond, dipcall, diploSHIC, discoal, Discovar, Discovar de novo, distruct, DiTASiC, DIYABC, dnmtools, Docker, dorado, DRAM, dREG, dREG.HD, drep, Drop-seq, dropEst, dropSeqPipe, dsk, dssat, Dsuite, dTOX, duphold, DWGSIM, dynare, ea-utils, ecCodes, ecopcr, ecoPrimers, ectyper, EDGE, edirect, EDTA, eems, EgaCryptor, EGAD, eggnog-mapper, EIGENSOFT, elai, ElMaven, EMBLmyGFF3, EMBOSS, EMIRGE, Empress, enfuse, EnTAP, entropy, epa-ng, ephem, epic2, ermineJ, ete3, EukDetect, EukRep, EVE, EVM, exabayes, exonerate, ExpansionHunterDenovo-v0.8.0, eXpress, FALCON, FALCON_unzip, Fast-GBS, fasta, FastANI, fastcluster, fastGEAR, FastME, FastML, fastp, FastQ Screen, fastq-multx-1.4.3, fastq_demux, fastq_pair, fastq_species_detector, FastQC, fastqsplitter, fastsimcoal2, fastspar, fastStructure, FastTree, FASTX, fcs, feems, feh, FFmpeg, fgbio, figaro, Filtlong, fineRADstructure, fineSTRUCTURE, FIt-SNE, flash, flash2, flexbar, Flexible Adapter Remover, Flye, FMAP, FragGeneScan, FragGeneScan, FRANz, freebayes, FSA, funannotate, FunGene Pipeline, FunOMIC, G-PhoCS, GADMA, GAEMR, Galaxy, Galaxy in Docker, GATK, gatk4,, gblastn, Gblocks, GBRS, gcc, GCTA, GDAL, gdc-client, GEM library, GEMMA, GeMoMa, GENECONV, geneid, GeneMark, Genespace, genomad, Genome STRiP, Genome Workbench, GenomeMapper, Genomescope, GenomeThreader, genometools, GenomicConsensus, genozip, gensim, GEOS, germline, gerp++, GET_PHYLOMARKERS, gfaviz, GffCompare, gffread, giggle, git, glactools, GlimmerHMM, GLIMPSE, GLnexus, Globus connect personal, GMAP/GSNAP, GNU Compilers, GNU parallel, go-perl, GO2MSIG, GONE, GoShifter, gradle, graftM, grammy, GraPhlAn, graphtyper, graphviz, greenhill, GRiD, gridss, Grinder, grocsvs, GROMACS, GroopM, GSEA, gsort, GTDB-Tk, GTFtools, Gubbins, gunc, GUPPY, gvcftools, hail, hal, HapCompass, HAPCUT, HAPCUT2, hapflk, HaploMerger, Haplomerger2, haplostrips, HaploSync, HapSeq2, harpy, HarvestTools, haslr, hdf5, helixer, hget, hh-suite, HiC-Pro, hic_qc, HiCExplorer, HiFiAdapterFilt, hifiasm, hificnv, HISAT2, HMMER, Homer, HOTSPOT, HTSeq, htslib,, hugin, humann, HUMAnN2, hybpiper, HyLiTE, hyperopt, HyPhy, hyphy-analyses, iAssembler, IBDLD, IBDNe, IBDseq, idba, IDBA-UD, IDP-denovo, idr, idseq, IgBLAST, IGoR, IGV, IMa2, IMa2p, IMAGE, ImageJ, ImageMagick, Immcantation, impute2, impute5, IMSA-A, INDELseek, infernal, Infomap, inStrain, inStrain_lite, InStruct, Intel MKL, InteMAP, InterProScan, ipyrad, IQ-TREE, iRep, isoseq, JaBbA, jags, Jane, java, jbrowse, JCVI, jellyfish, jsalignon/cactus, juicer, julia, jupyter, jupyterlab, kaiju, kallisto, Kent Utilities, keras, khmer, kinfin, king, kma, KMC, KmerFinder, KmerGenie, kneaddata, kraken, KrakenTools, KronaTools, kSNP, kWIP, LACHESIS, lammps, LAPACK, LAST, lastz, lcMLkin, LDAK, LDhat, LeafCutter, leeHom, lep-anchor, Lep-MAP3, LEVIATHAN, lftp, Liftoff, Lighter, LinkedSV, LINKS, localcolabfold, LocARNA, LocusZoom, lofreq, longranger, Loupe, LS-GKM, LTR_retriever, LUCY, LUCY2, LUMPY, lyve-SET, m6anet, Macaulay2, MACE, MACS, MaCS simulator, MACS2, macs3, maffilter, MAFFT, mafTools, MAGeCK, MAGeCK-VISPR, Magic-BLAST, magick, MAGScoT, MAKER, manta, mapDamage, mapquik, MAQ, MARS, MASH, mashtree, Mashtree, MaSuRCA, MATLAB, Matlab_runtime, Mauve, MaxBin, MaxQuant, McClintock, mccortex, mcl, MCscan, MCScanX, medaka, medusa, megahit, MeGAMerge, MEGAN, MELT, MEME Suite, MERLIN, merqury, MetaBAT, MetaBinner, MetaboAnalystR, MetaCache, MetaCRAST, metaCRISPR, metamaps, MetAMOS, MetaPathways, MetaPhlAn, metapop, metaron, MetaVelvet, MetaVelvet-SL, metaWRAP, methpipe, mfeprimer, MGmapper, MicrobeAnnotator, microtrait, MiFish, Migrate-n, mikado, MinCED, minigraph, Minimac3, Minimac4, minimap2, mira, miRDeep2, mirge3, miRquant, MISO, MITObim, MitoFinder, mitohelper, MitoHiFi, mity, MiXCR, MixMapper, MKTest, mlift, mlst, MMAP, MMSEQ, MMseqs2, MMTK, MobileElementFinder, modeltest, MODIStsp-2.0.5, module, moments, MoMI-G, mongo, mono, monocle3, mosdepth, mothur, MrBayes, mrsFAST, msdial, msld, MSMC, msprime, MSR-CA Genome Assembler, msstats, MSTMap, mugsy, MultiQC, multiz-tba, MUMandCo, MUMmer, mummer2circos, muscle, MUSIC, Mutation-Simulator, muTect, myte, MZmine, nag-compiler, namfinder, nanocompore, nanofilt, NanoPlot, Nanopolish, nanovar, ncbi_datasets, ncftp, ncl, NECAT, Nemo, Netbeans, NEURON, new_fugue, Nextflow, NextGenMap, NextPolish2, nf-core/rnaseq, ngmlr, NGS_data_processing, NGSadmix, ngsDist, ngsF, ngsLD, NGSNGS, NgsRelate, ngsTools, NGSUtils, NINJA, NLR-Annotator, NLR-Parser, NLRtracker, Novoalign, NovoalignCS, nQuire, NRSA, NuDup, numactl, nvidia-docker, nvtop, Oases, OBITools, Octave, OMA, Oneflux, OpenBLAS, openmpi, openssl, orthodb-clades, OrthoFinder, orthologr, Orthomcl, pacbio, PacBioTestData, PAGIT, pairtools, pal2nal, paleomix, PAML, panacus, panaroo, pandas, pandaseq, pandoc, pangene, PanPhlAn, Panseq, Parsnp, PASA, PASTEC, PAUP*, pauvre, pb-assembly, pbalign, pbbam, pbh5tools, PBJelly, pblat, pbmm2, PBSuite, pbsv, pbtk, PCAngsd, pcre, pcre2, PeakRanger, PeakSplitter, PEAR, PEER, PennCNV, peppro, PERL, PfamScan, pgap, PGDSpider, ph5tools, Phage_Finder, pharokka, phasedibd, PHAST, phenopath, Phobius, PHRAPL, PHYLIP, PhyloCSF, phyloFlash, phylophlan*, PhyloPhlAn2, phylophlan3, phyluce, PhyML, phyx, Picard, PICRUSt2, pigz, Pilon, Pindel, piPipes, PIQ, PlasFlow, platanus, Platypus, plink, plink2, Plotly, plotsr, Point Cloud Library, popbam, PopCOGenT, PopLDdecay, Porechop, poretools, portcullis, POUTINE, pplacer, PRANK, preseq, pretext-suite, primalscheme, primer3, PrimerBLAST, PrimerPooler, prinseq, prodigal, progenomics, progressiveCactus, PROJ, prokka, Proseq2, ProtExcluder, protolite, PSASS, psmc, psutil, pullseq, purge_dups, pyani, PyCogent, pycoQC, pyfaidx, pyGenomeTracks, PyMC, pymol-open-source, pyopencl, pypy, pyRAD, Pyro4, pyseer, PySnpTools, python, PyTorch, PyVCF, qapa, qcat, QIIME, QIIME2, QTCAT, Quake, Qualimap, QuantiSNP2, QUAST, quickmerge, QUMA, R, RACA, racon, rad_haplotyper, RADIS, RadSex, RagTag, rapt, RAPTR-SV, RATT, raven, RAxML, raxml-ng, Ray, rck, rclone, Rcorrector, RDP Classifier, REAGO, REAPR, Rebaler, Red, ReferenceSeeker, regenie, regtools, Relate, RelocaTE2, Repbase, RepeatMasker, RepeatModeler, RERconverge, ReSeq, resistify, RevBayes, RFdiffusion, RFMix, RGAAT, rgdal, RGI, Rgtsvm, Ribotaper, ripgrep, rJava, rMATS, RNAMMER, rnaQUAST, Rnightlights, Roary, Rockhopper, rohan, RoseTTAFold-All-Atom, RoseTTAFold2NA, rphast, Rqtl, Rqtl2, RSAT, RSEM, RSeQC, RStudio, rtfbs_db, ruby, run_dbcan, sabre, SaguaroGW, salmon, SALSA, Sambamba, samblaster, sample, SampleTracker, samplot, samtabix, Samtools, Satsuma, Satsuma2, SCALE, scanorama, scikit-learn, Scoary, scTE, scythe, seaborn, SEACR, SecretomeP, segul, self-assembling-manifold, selscan, seqfu, seqkit, SeqPrep, seqtk, SequelTools, sequenceTubeMap, Seurat, sf, sgrep, sgrep sorted_grep, SHAPEIT, SHAPEIT4, SHAPEIT5, shasta, Shiny, shore, SHOREmap, shortBRED, SHRiMP, sickle, sift4g, SignalP, SimPhy, simuPOP, sina, SINGER, singularity, sinto, sirius, sistr_cmd, skani, SKESA, skewer, SLiM, SLURM, smap, smash, smcpp, smoove, SMRT Analysis, SMRT LINK, snakemake, snap, SnapATAC, SNAPP, SnapTools, snATAC, SNeP, Sniffles, snippy, snp-sites, SnpEff, SNPgenie, SNPhylo, SNPsplit, SNVPhyl, SOAP2, SOAPdenovo, SOAPdenovo-Trans, SOAPdenovo2, SoloTE, SomaticSniper, sorted_grep, spaceranger, SPAdes, SPALN, SparCC, sparsehash, SPARTA, split-fasta, SQANTI3, sqlite, SqueezeMeta, SQuIRE, SRA Toolkit, srst2, ssantichaivekin/empress, stacks, Stacks 2, stairway-plot, stampy, STAR, staramr, Starcode, statmodels, stellarscope, STITCH, STPGA, StrainPhlAn, strawberry, Strelka, stringMLST, StringTie, STRUCTURE, Structure_threader, Struo2, stylegan2-ada-pytorch, subread, sumatra, supernova, suppa, SURPI, surpyvor, SURVIVOR, sutta, SV-plaudit, SVaBA, SVclone, SVDetect, svengine, SVseq2, svtools, svtyper, svviz2, SWAMP, sweed, SweepFinder, SweepFinder2, sweepsims,, sword, syri, tabix, tagdust, Taiji, tama, Tandem Repeats Finder (TRF), tardis, TargetP, TASSEL 3, TASSEL 4, TASSEL 5, tax_myPHAGE, tbl2asn, tcoffee, telescope, TensorFlow, TEToolkit, TEtranscripts, texlive, TFEA, tfTarget, thermonucleotideBLAST, ThermoRawFileParser, TMHMM, tmux, Tomahawk, TopHat, Torch, traitRate, Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP), TransComb, TransDecoder, TRANSIT, transrate, TRAP, tree, treeCl, treemix, Trim Galore!, trimal, trimmomatic, Trinity, Trinotate, TrioCNV2, tRNAscan-SE, Trycycler, UCSC Kent utilities, ultra, ultraplex, UMAP, UMI-tools, umi-transfer, UMIScripts, Unicycler, UniRep, unitig-caller, unrar, usearch, VALET, valor, vamb, Variant Effect Predictor, VarScan, VCF-kit, vcf2diploid, vcfCooker, vcflib, vcftools, vdjtools, Velvet, vep, VESPA, vg, Vicuna, ViennaRNA, VIP, viral-ngs, virmap, VirSorter, VirusDetect, VirusFinder 2, vispr, VizBin, vmatch, vscode, vsearch, vt, WASP, webin-cli, wget, wgs-assembler (Celera), WGSassign, What_the_Phage, wiggletools, windowmasker, wine, Winnowmap, Wise2 (Genewise), wombat, Xander_assembler, xpclr, yaha, yahs, yap

Details for SLURM (If the copy-pasted commands do not work, use this tool to remove unwanted characters)

Added:10/16/2019 5:09:25 PM
Updated:10/16/2019 5:14:40 PM

SLURM is a cluster management and job scheduling system. SLURM clusters already exist on some hosted machines at BioHPC. If not, a user may create a 'SLURM-on-demand' cluster on a hosted or reserved machine through the manage_slurm command.

To see available SLURM clusters, use the command "manage_slurm list". This will give information about existing clusters where you may submit jobs, which machines are in each cluster, how many cores and memory each machine has.

To submit jobs to one of these clusters, use the "sbatch" command issued on any machine where SLURM is running or on one of the login nodes (cbsulogin, cbsulogin2, cbsulogin3). If you have access to multiple clusters, you may need to specify which cluster to submit to using the "--cluster clusterName" option. The command squeue can be used to see a list of running and waiting jobs, and scancel cancels a job. There are also options to specify the number of cores or amount of memory a job requires. Exhaustive documentation of SLURM can be found at For a succint extract relevant to 'SLURM-on-demand' instances at BioHPC, visit Concise summary of various SLURM commands is availble here:  

To create a SLURM cluster on a hosted or reserved machine (not already running SLURM), use the command:

manage_slurm new machine1,machine2,...,machineN

where machine1,..., machineN is a comma-delimited list of machines that you have access to. The machine names should not contain domain names. For example,

manage_slurm new cbsumm01,cbsumm02,cbsumm03

will create a cluster consisting of the three machines. The first machine in the list (cbsumm01 in the example) will be the "master" machine; the cluster name will be cbsumm01, and if your reservation to this machine ends, the cluster will be destroyed (whereas if your reservation to any other machine in the cluster ends, it will simply be removed from the cluster). A cluster can be created on a single machine to manage jobs across multiple cores.

Any user who has access to all the machines in the cluster can submit jobs to it, but the user who created the cluster becomes the cluster "owner" and is the only user who can manage it. Using the "manage_slurm" command, the owner may add or remove nodes from the cluster or kill the cluster. Type "manage_slurm" on the command line from any BioHPC linux server for a description of these options.

If a user (non-owner) gains or loses access to the machines in a cluster (because they have been added or removed from a reservation or a group), they will be added or removed (respectively) from the list of SLURM users within 5 minutes of this change. If a user is removed from the cluster and has SLURM jobs running or in the queue, they will receive an email notification that their jobs have been killed/cancelled.

Your sbatch script should include the line "#SBATCH --chdir=/workdir" to set calling process working directory to "/workdir". Without this line, the calling process working directory will be the current directory where you lauch sbatch. The job would fail if the working directory does not exist on the node. 

If any machines (nodes) of the cluster you are using (such as that created with manage_slurm new comnmand above) contain GPUs, you can make SLURM request one or more of them for your job. To find out the type, number, and location of GPUs in you cluster, use the command

sinfo -O NodeList,Gres

the output of which will be similar to

NODELIST            GRES
cbsugpu03           gpu:tP100:2
cbsum1c1b003        (null)

In this example, we have a two-node cluster with two GPUs of type tP100 (Tesla P100) on node called cbsugpu03, and none on the other node, cbsum1c1b003. If your job requires a GPU, add option --gres=gpu:tP100:1 to your sbatch command (replace '1' with '2' if you wish to reserve both GPUs) - this will make sure your job gets scheduled to the appropriate machine and the requested number of GPUs are allocated to it. If there are multiple types of GPUs present in the cluster and your job just needs one GPU of any kind, the option could be simplified to --gres=gpu.

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